Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

The federal government is facing growing calls to provide greater access to contraception, and free medical and surgical abortions at all public hospitals. 

A final senate inquiry hearing into universal access to reproductive healthcare has heard there is significant need to develop a national abortion fund in the upcoming federal budget. 

The proposed fund would provide people across the country who are living in financial distress with a pathway to sexual and reproductive health care, and bridge gaps in the public health system.

The Greens, who chair the inquiry, as well as a number of industry and health groups, have been vocal about the need for this kind of fund.

While abortion has been fully decriminalised in all jurisdictions, access and cost remain a barrier for many Australians seeking abortions — particularly those in regional, remote and rural areas. 

In 2019, the Labor party made an election pledge for taxpayer-funded abortions to be offered in public hospitals.

The federal Greens have accused the now-Labor government of walking away from its previous commitment to provide free abortion access.

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