Tue. Jun 18th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Video Duration 25 minutes 00 seconds

From: Inside Story

Indigenous groups are demanding lower food and fuel prices.

Ecuador’s government is holding talks with representatives of its Indigenous community.

The dialogue aims to end weeks of protest against a sharp increase in fuel and food prices that have affected Indigenous people the most.

After previously accusing strikers of laying the groundwork for a coup, President Guillermo Lasso has lifted a state of emergency and made some concessions.

But demonstrators say he has not gone far enough.

Can negotiations curb their anger? Will it help solve the country’s economic crisis?

Presenter: Sohail Rahman


Adrian Perez Salazar – Lawyer and political analyst

Manuela Picq – Professor at Universidad San Francisco de Quito and Amherst College in Cuenca, Ecuador

Danny Shaw – Professor of Latin American and Caribbean studies at City University of New York

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