Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024
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SOME Labour insiders want David Miliband to be brought back as a Labour MP “so he can keep his brother Ed in check”.

Many Labour MPs are fuming with Ed Miliband for pushing his eco agenda.

David Miliband quit as an MP in 20132

David Miliband quit as an MP in 2013Credit: AP

They fear his flagship pledge to spend £28 billion on green projects could cost them the election.

Labour is expected to water down the commitment in their manifesto.

But several Labour insiders said there are growing calls for David Miliband to be lured back with a seat to act as a counterbalance to his more leftwing brother.

One senior Labour figure said: “Some in the leader’s office want David Miliband to get a seat.

“You can see the plot from space.

Ed Miliband's cosy ties with thee co lobby has angered many in his party2

Ed Miliband’s cosy ties with thee co lobby has angered many in his partyCredit: Alamy

“They think David would be a great counterbalance to Ed. Keep him in his place.”

Another Labour source said: “I suspect some do want to give David a seat. But I have not heard anything about a concrete plan.”

A growing chorus of Labour politicians have admitted they will only hit their £28bn a year pledge if the economy starts going gangbusters.

Sadiq Khan said it will take years before the number is hit.

Labour’s shadow foreign secretary David Lammy said: “That commitment to £28 billion to the green prosperity plan by the end of the next parliament is something that I think that you can trust the Labour Party to remain committed to.”

But, he added the caveats “not whatever the economic climate” and “it’s got to be within our fiscal rules”.

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