Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

A 1978 LandCruiser “rust bucket” is being converted into a waterproof electric vehicle that its team of engineers hopes will make it across Darwin Harbour — under water. 

A team of 30 divers is aiming to break the record for the longest and deepest underwater drive at the end of July, covering 7 kilometres at a depth of 30 metres.

The underwater drive will take place exactly 40 years after a group of Darwin mates attempted the same mission.

In 1983, a team of 70 divers took turns driving a LandCruiser fitted with a 60-metre snorkel across Darwin Harbour.

They drove more than 3 kilometres before running into a rock ledge and getting floated to the surface.

Darwin-raised engineer Glen Summers is working on the vehicle conversion.

“The original story was like folklore when we were growing up,” he says.

This time, Luke Purdy is spearheading the revival mission.

“Sitting around at the pub, we thought ‘Jeez, it can’t be that hard, we should give it a go’,” Mr Purdy says.

Seven men and a dog stand in front of a rusty old Land Cruiser
Engineers, divers, and tradies are volunteering their time to convert the LandCruiser. (ABC Darwin: Nicole Curby)

After more than a year of preparation and six months of working around the clock to restore the vehicle, it is proving to be more complex than the team of childhood friends from Darwin first dreamed.

Converting a Landy into a submarine

Tom Lawrence is managing the project and bought the vehicle on Gumtree for $5,000.

“It was a rust bucket. It would have needed $30,000 to $40,000 worth of work just to get it roadworthy,” he says.

The project is entirely self-funded.

“We’re doing it on the smell of an oily rag. It’s [like] rubbing two sticks together when you need a bunsen burner,” Mr Lawrence says.

An old orange Land Cruiser is parked in front of a shed

After six months of work, this LandCruiser will drive under water across Darwin Harbour. (ABC Radio Darwin: Nicole Curby)

After buying the LandCruiser in Brisbane, the team towed it to Townsville, Newcastle, Melbourne, and finally to Darwin.

In each location, a network of old friends — who are now electrical engineers, high voltage electricians, remote-operated vehicle engineers, and tradies — volunteered their time and skills.

Together they are restoring the LandCruiser to working order, converting it into an electric vehicle, creating a complex oil compensation system, and waterproofing the engine.


“We’ve begged, borrowed and stolen tools and parts for the job,” Mr Lawrence says.

“Creating an oil compensation system like this is usually a huge commercial operation, something the ADF would undertake.

“If we can build it we will succeed. The difficulty is building it.”

Two men lean over the bonnet of a rusty land cruiser and look at electrical cords

Glen Summers and Travis Lia have spent more than six months converting the LandCruiser to a waterproof EV. (ABC Radio Darwin: Nicole Curby)

The LandCruiser is now parked in a workshop in Darwin’s Fisherman’s Wharf.

As word spreads, tradies, retirees, and generally helpful Darwin folk are coming to work on the ambitious project.

“It’s turned into a sort of men’s shed,” Mr Lawrence says.

A more complex operation

The vehicle’s cabin is open and divers will take turns driving.

They are not diving with tanks on their backs, but instead a support boat will connect to divers through an umbilical cord that supplies air, a camera link, power to light a helmet, and directions.

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