Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

BROKE Brits are happy to admit they are skint before heading out on a date, a survey found.

Younger people no longer consider it taboo.

Younger people no longer find cheap dates a taboo and cash strapped youths have taken to more outings that are cost free1

Younger people no longer find cheap dates a taboo and cash strapped youths have taken to more outings that are cost freeCredit: Getty

The “cash-candid dating” trend sees couples take cheap outings like a walk or picnic rather than a costly meal

The research, for dating app Bumble, found 42 per cent of the 18-to-34 age group prefer a modest date.

Nearly a third reckon it is fine to chat about being broke when starting a relationship.

A third were “conscious of their date’s budget” when suggesting a venue compared with a fifth of the 45-to-54 age bracket.

I’m a mum and dating - I can't be a yeti, I need to be smooth like a dolphin
I’m 52 and love dating younger men - they’re fun & have great stamina

One in ten would discuss their wage and one in five said it is more important than ever to go out with someone “financially stable”.

Dating expert Jessica Alderson said: “Being open about your finances on dating apps filters out people who are interested in you for the wrong reasons.

It also shows honesty and vulnerability, which are attractive traits.”

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