Sun. Jun 2nd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Queensland Greens MP Amy MacMahon has released an update on her condition as she recovers in hospital following a car crash earlier this month.

In her first public comments since the incident, the South Brisbane representative said she remained very sore and that her injuries were still healing.

“But I’m now able to walk around, read, joke with my family, have some little trips to the shops and eat the delicious snacks friends have dropped off for me,” Ms MacMahon wrote on social media.

“The amazing public healthcare workers that are looking after me are adamant that it’s important that I take the next few weeks to properly recover.

“This includes rest, eating well, exercise, assessments and time with physios, allied health workers and doctors.”

A woman smiles with green lights and people clapping behind her.
Amy MacMahon won her South Brisbane seat in the 2020 state election.(ABC News: Anna Hartley )

Ms MacMahon said she would be “largely out of action for the next little bit” while she continues to recover.

“But my team is still in my office keeping everything ticking along until I’m back on board – so if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them,” she said.

“I can’t wait to be back on the ground fighting alongside our community to transform Queensland for the better.”

‘Thank you so much for all the well wishes’

Ms MacMahon had been driving from a community event at Raymond Park on February 12 when she was involved in a two-vehicle crash at Kangaroo Point.

In a statement last week, Queensland Police confirmed a woman travelling in the other vehicle had been served a notice to appear for one count of dangerous driving causing grievous bodily harm.

The 26-year-old is expected to appear in the Brisbane Magistrates Court next month.

Ms MacMahon has been the Member for South Brisbane in the Queensland parliament since the 2020 election, when she unseated former Labor deputy premier Jackie Trad.

Member for South Brisbane and former deputy premier Jackie Trad (on left) and Amy MacMahon, the Greens candidate.

Amy MacMahon unseated Jackie Trad at the last election.(ABC News: Liz Pickering)

In her post to her followers, Ms MacMahon said she was grateful for “how kind and caring” the community had been.

“Thank you so much for all the well wishes, flowers, cards, snacks and gifts, and the amazing care of the doctors and nurses since I’ve been in hospital,” she wrote.

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