Sat. Jun 1st, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

IT’S common for brides to be picky about engagement rings — after all, it’s the ring you’ll wear forever.

One woman, however, was shocked when her mother-in-law was judgemental towards her wedding ring.

A woman felt her mother-in-law viewed her as a gold-digger1

A woman felt her mother-in-law viewed her as a gold-diggerCredit: Getty

The woman, an anonymous Redditor u/gremlinmodebussy, shared her relationship problems with her mother-in-law in a forum post.

She explained that she had never been close to her MIL as the two had never spent that much time together.

Despite that, the morning after the engagement, her MIL demanded to see her.

“MIL did the simple pleasantries then saw my ring, a 5 ct diamond which was entirely my fiancé’s choice, and started making shady comments,” she said.

“Most remarkably triple asking me ‘Surely you wouldn’t have married him if the ring was smaller, right?'”

She noted that although she was much more well-off than her husband thanks to her lifestyle and background, she felt degraded.

“I didn’t care about the size of the diamond but obviously grateful for the ring my fiancée picked,” she said.

“It made me feel like a gold-digger despite my background and life being way more comfortable than his.”

In attempts to ease her MIL’s perceptions of her, she explained she’s showered her with gifts and planned outings together, but to no avail.

Her fiancé’s response to his mother’s quirk made her feel better but didn’t ease the situation.

“His response to her question about the ring was ‘Surely the bigger the better’ which def fueled her jealousy more,” she said.

People took to the comments to share their thoughts on the situation.

Many urged her to protect her own peace by spending as little time as possible with her mother-in-law.

“Quit going around her. There is zero reason for you to want to be around that nasty hag. Don’t buy her gifts, don’t be alone with her, and def don’t try to bond with her,” said one commenter.

“Please, for your own sanity, stop trying. If she can’t even pretend to respect you, don’t go out of your way for her,” agreed another.

“Talk to your fiance about all of this and how you feel BEFORE getting married. She’s not going to magically stop her BS, if anything her behavior will only get worse.”

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