Sat. Jun 15th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

WINTER can often play havoc with our skin, with radiators, temperature changes and cold winds drying it out even more than usual.

However, one dermatologist has revealed that there is a common skincare mistake that can make our skin even duller in the dead of winter.

Dermatologist Dr Shereene Idriss had some simple advise to stop flaky skin4

Dermatologist Dr Shereene Idriss had some simple advise to stop flaky skinCredit: Tiktok/@shereeneidriss
With temperature about to plunge, the doctor revealed that many of us have been stripping our skin.4

With temperature about to plunge, the doctor revealed that many of us have been stripping our skin.Credit: Tiktok/@shereeneidriss

Having set up her practise in New York City, Dr Shereene Idriss knows what she is talking about when it comes to winter skin.

As well as being a board certified dermatologist, the 39-year-old is the founder of skincare line Pillow Talk Derm and has amassed a huge social media following thanks to her skin saving hacks.

With many of her 550,000 followers complaining about their dry skin, the doctor took to Tiktok and shared a surprisingly common skincare mistake – which could be making it worse.

Though many of us will be trying just about anything to banish stubborn flaky skin, dermatologist revealed that intense scrubbing can actually cause the problem.

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Whilst long skincare routines are all the rage, she advised her fans to skip multiple cleanses – especially in the crisp winter weather.

“Save the cleanser for the evening and skip it in the morning, because you will be over stripping your skin as the air gets drier, and your skin will hate you for it,” she explained, adding that ‘gentle’ face washes with ceramides and glycerin will help keep moisture locked in.

For those who have particularly sensitive skin, you should avoid any products with added fragrance as this can often exacerbate any irritation.

Despite asking fans to skip over skincare in the morning, the doctor did have an additional DIY hack for keeping your skin glowing in the gloomy weather.

Rather than using store bought skincare or the products we receive in our stockings, the dermatologist suggested that you could make a much more effective one from scratch.

“Make yourself a DIY glycerin hydrating mist,” she said: “It’s very easy, you go to your local drugstore, get 100 per cent pure glycerin and mix it in a one to four ratio with water.”

Though this mist can provide some serious hydration, you’ll need to ensure that you always dilute the glycerin before applying it – as it can have some nasty side effects, including rashes.

For those looking to give their skin a much needed boost, you can even keep the mix in a spray bottle and reapply throughout the day.

Finally, the US skincare expert recommended using a humidifier last thing at night – especially if you want to wake up with baby soft skin.

“If you’re just lazy and can’t think of even misting throughout the day, let a humidifer do the work for you,” she revealed, saying that it was best to keep by your bed.

She added: “It will add much needed moisture back into the air, and back into your plump-y, dewy skin.”

With these doctor approve tips, it seems you are all set to have glowing skin this party season.

With more ice and snow forecast, this DIY face mask might save your skin


With more ice and snow forecast, this DIY face mask might save your skinCredit: AP
If you have to go outside, you can replace the lost moisture with a humidifer


If you have to go outside, you can replace the lost moisture with a humidiferCredit: Alamy

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