Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

THE patriarch of the Radford family has shared the classic recipe he uses to feed his bumper brood and it’s super easy to make.

Noel has a whopping 22 hungry mouths to feed so his recipes need to be quick and his food needs to be hearty.

Dad-of-22 Noel Radford reveals bargain dinner that feeds his bumper brood and most of it comes from a can4

Dad-of-22 Noel Radford reveals bargain dinner that feeds his bumper brood and most of it comes from a canCredit: YouTube/The Radfords
Noel shared his take on a corned beef hash in a YouTube vlog online4

Noel shared his take on a corned beef hash in a YouTube vlog onlineCredit: YouTube/The Radfords

He revealed in a YouTube vlog online, one of the meals he likes to feed his family is corned beef hash and most of it comes in a can.

Noel said: “Welcome along to my cooking Vlog, we are going to make today corned beef hash.”

For the recipe, you’ll need potatoes, corned beef, onions, onions, baked beans, chopped tomatoes, beef stock and cheese.

Noel starts by peeling the potatoes and dicing them up before he adds them to his massive cooking pan.

He said: “I’ve just got to dice them up into smallish dice try and keep them all the same size so then they cook at the same rate and then just straight to the pan got some salted water in there

Noel claims the recipe is: “So quick and easy to make this one and it’s relatively cheap actually as meals go.”

“Plus you can make it in the morning ready for anything more from work or you could even make it the night before actually and just put it in the fridge ready for the next day if you’re into meal prepping.”

The next step is dicing up your onions.

Noel said: “So if you let your kids do anything like ours anything with onions in they will try and avoid as best as they can so I’ll do these actually fine which hides in that bit better but you know it still gives them the flavour.”

Next Noel fries the onion in a pan gently, before he adds the baked beans and the chopped tomatoes as well as the beef stock.


He said: “Basically just bring this back up to the boil.”

“All we’re going to do now is chuck some beef gravy granules in just to thicken it up even more it’s quite a thick mixture anyway but we want it quite thick.”

Noel says he likes to keep it thick so it’s not too watery once the potatoes are added.

Then the dad of 22 dices up his corned beef by which point his potatoes are ready.

To construct his corned beef hash he puts the drained potatoes at the bottom of a cooking tray and tops it with the diced corned beef.

He said: “Then with your mixture, it goes over the top.”

Finally, Noel tops od the dish with grated cheese and cooks it in the oven until ‘all nice and golden brown on top and bubbling away’.

Noel serves the corned beef with peas and red cabbage and his meal is complete.

He said: “That’s my take folks on a corned beef hash which really is completely different to a traditional version but it works in our house the kids love it we love it and I think you should try it.”

Noel says his kids love the meal and he can sneak it veg they usually like to avoid4

Noel says his kids love the meal and he can sneak it veg they usually like to avoidCredit: YouTube/The Radfords
Noel serves the corned beef with peas and red cabbage and his meal is complete


Noel serves the corned beef with peas and red cabbage and his meal is completeCredit: YouTube/The Radfords

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