Mon. May 20th, 2024
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German Chocolate Cake can be traced back to 1852.

This is when it was developed by an American baker named Samuel German. He had just developed a type of dark baking chocolate for the Baker’s Chocolate Company and was called Baker’s German’s Sweet Chocolate.

This chocolate was used in cakes made during the time, but as far as we know, none of those cakes contained all of the ingredients that can be found in the modern German chocolate cake. In the Dallas Morning News published on June 3, 1957, there was a recipe for German’s Chocolate Cake. It was created by Mrs. George Clay from Dallas, Texas.

This recipe used the baking chocolate that had been introduced by Samuel German over a hundred years before and was popular at the time. General Foods owned Baker’s brand, so they distributed the recipe to other newspapers across the United States. Although the recipe’s name was originally German’s chocolate cake, the possessive “s” was eventually dropped and the cake became known as German chocolate cake.

Over the years, that has given people the impression that the cake originated in Germany when instead it originated in the U.S. Chocolate cake is a dessert that’s been around for quite some time and comes in many different forms all around the world. Let’s look at some facts about this dessert, so we all have a better understanding of one of the world’s most popular types of cake.

Dr. James Baker discovered how to make chocolate by grinding cocoa beans between two millstones in 1764. This allowed the creation of chocolate cake. The earliest chocolate cake recipe was published by Eliza Leslie in 1847 in her book “The Lady’s Receipt Book.” Before the 20th century, chocolate cake was reserved for the wealthy. It wouldn’t be until cacao prices began to fall that it became popular among the masses.

By Kevin Gower

I just want to be a handsome billionaire

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