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Teen girl raped at Center Parcs by predator after her kind family let him stay in lodge

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A TEEN girl was raped at Center Parcs by a predator after her kind family let him stay in their lodge.

Caden Crossley had been booted out of his own holiday cabin by his partner when he launched into the “cruel” attack.

Caden Crossley raped the young girl while she was on a family holidayCredit: Nottinghamshire Police

After the victim’s family invited him to stay, she woke to find the 29-year-old lying in her bed.

Crossley then sexually assaulted and raped the girl, named as Child E, during the horror attack at the Sherwood Forest resort.

He has now been jailed for 12 years after pleading guilty to the vile offences at Nottingham Crown Court.

Sentencing, Judge Michael Auty KC said: “You were turfed out of your own lodge and were effectively homeless and Child E’s mother took you in out of the kindness of her heart.

“She did not have to and I imagine she blames herself every single day for making that kind decision.

“She has nothing to blame herself for, kindness and virtue is remarkably rare. You were taken into their lodge under their trust and you breached their trust in you in a cruel and cynical way.”

The court was told the “bright, intelligent, worthy and decent” victim failed her exams as a result of the attack.

Judge Auty added: “The effect of what you did I have no doubt will live with her for the rest of her life and the only decent thing you did was plead guilty to spare her the indignity of having to relive in the witness box what you did to her.”

The court was told the girl was on a family holiday in the summer of 2022 at the time of the abuse.

Crossley was identified through DNA after she reported the horror to police.

As well as a jail sentence, Crossley will be on the sex offender register for life and was handed a lifetime sexual harm prevention order.

Detective Constable Gemma Sidebottom, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “Crossley raped and sexually assaulted a child and has rightly received a very significant jail sentence today.

“His actions that day were utterly despicable and have unsurprisingly had a very significant impact on his victim and her family.

“In subsequent police interviews – including one conducted in jail – Crossley repeatedly denied anything had happened, calling into question the honesty of the victim in his case.

“Even when confronted with incontrovertible DNA evidence of this crime, he carried on lying about what had happened – adding further stress for his victim and her family.

“As his case finally comes to an end, I would like to place on record my thanks to the victim who has shown immense bravery throughout this process. I hope this sentence gives her at least some degree of closure.”


The attack took place at Center Parcs in Sherwood ForestCredit: Visit Center Parcs Sherwood Forest

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